Quick Start
What is Sveltos?
Sveltos is a set of Kubernetes controllers deployed in the management cluster. From the management cluster, it can manage add-ons and applications to multiple clusters.
Deploy Kubernetes Add-ons
The main goal of Sveltos is to deploy add-ons in managed Kubernetes clusters. So let's see that in action.
Before you begin, please ensure you already have a management cluster with projectsveltos installed. If this is not the case, go through the install section to deploy projectsveltos.
If you want to try the projectsveltos with a test cluster, follow the steps below:
The above will create a management cluster using Kind, deploy clusterAPI and projectsveltos, create a workload cluster powered by clusterAPI using Docker as infrastructure provider.
Deploy Helm Charts
To deploy the Kyverno Helm chart in any Kubernetes cluster with labels env: fv create this ClusterProfile instance in the management cluster:
Example - Helm Chart
cat > clusterprofile_kyverno.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: config.projectsveltos.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterProfile
name: deploy-kyverno
env: fv
syncMode: Continuous
- repositoryURL: https://kyverno.github.io/kyverno/
repositoryName: kyverno
chartName: kyverno/kyverno
chartVersion: v3.1.0
releaseName: kyverno-latest
releaseNamespace: kyverno
helmChartAction: Install
Deploy Raw YAMl/JSON
Download this file
which contains:
- Namespace projectcontour to run the Gateway provisioner
- Contour CRDs
- Gateway API CRDs
- Gateway provisioner RBAC resources
- Gateway provisioner Deployment
and create a Secret in the management cluster containing the contents of the downloaded file:
$ kubectl create secret generic contour-gateway-provisioner-secret \
--from-file=contour-gateway-provisioner.yaml \
To deploy all these resources in any cluster with labels env: fv, create a ClusterProfile instance in the management cluster referencing the Secret created above:
Example - Raw Yaml/Json
cat > clusterprofile_gateway.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: config.projectsveltos.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterProfile
name: gateway-configuration
env: fv
syncMode: Continuous
- name: contour-gateway-provisioner-secret
namespace: default
kind: Secret
Deploy Resources Assembled with Kustomize
Sveltos can work along with Flux to deploy content of Kustomize directories.
Example - Kustomize
cat > clusterprofile_flux.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: config.projectsveltos.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterProfile
name: flux-system
env: fv
syncMode: Continuous
- namespace: flux-system
name: flux-system
kind: GitRepository
path: ./helloWorld/
targetNamespace: eng
Full examples can be found here.
ClusterProfile can reference:
- GitRepository (synced with flux);
- OCIRepository (synced with flux);
- Bucket (synced with flux);
- ConfigMap whose BinaryData section contains kustomize.tar.gz entry with tar.gz of kustomize directory;
- Secret (type addons.projectsveltos.io/cluster-profile) whose Data section contains kustomize.tar.gz entry with tar.gz of kustomize directory;
Carvel ytt and Jsonnet
Sveltos offers support for Carvel ytt and Jsonnet as tools to define add-ons that can be deployed in a managed cluster. For additional information, please consult the Carvel ytt and Jsonnet sections.