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What is Projectsveltos

Sveltos is a set of Kubernetes controllers deployed in the management cluster. From the management cluster, it can manage add-ons and applications to multiple clusters.

Installation Modes

Sveltos supports two modes: Mode 1 and Mode 2.

  • Mode 1: Will deploy up to two agents, sveltos-agent and drift-detection-manager1, in each managed cluster.

  • Mode 2: Sveltos agents will be created, per managed cluster, in the management cluster2. The agents, while centrally located, will still monitor their designated managed cluster’s API server.

Mode 1: Local Agent Mode

To install Sveltos in mode 1, run the commands below.

$ kubectl apply -f

$ kubectl apply -f

Mode 2: Centralised Agent Mode

If you do not want to have any Sveltos agent in any managed cluster, run the commands below.

$ kubectl apply -f

$ kubectl apply -f

Sveltos uses the git-flow branching model. The base branch is dev. If you are looking for latest features, please use the dev branch. If you are looking for a stable version, please use the main branch or tags labeled as v0.x.x.

Deployment Options

Sveltos can be installed as a Helm chart or with Kustomize. By default, Mode 1 will get deployed unless otherwise specified.

Helm Installation

$ helm repo add projectsveltos

$ helm repo update

$ helm install projectsveltos projectsveltos/projectsveltos -n projectsveltos --create-namespace

$ helm list -n projectsveltos

Please note: Sveltos pods assume to be running in the projectsveltos namespace.

Kustomize Installation

Mode 1: Local Agent Mode

$ kustomize build\?timeout\=120\&ref\=main |kubectl apply -f -

$ kubectl apply -f

Mode 2: Centralised Agent Mode

$ kustomize build\?timeout\=120\&ref\=main |kubectl apply -f -

$ kubectl apply -f

Sveltos Verification

Get the Sveltos status and verify that all pods are Up and Running.

projectsveltos access-manager-69d7fd69fc-7r4lw         2/2     Running   0  40s
projectsveltos addon-controller-df8965884-x7hp5        2/2     Running   0  40s
projectsveltos classifier-manager-6489f67447-52xd6     2/2     Running   0  40s
projectsveltos hc-manager-7b6d7c4968-x8f7b             2/2     Running   0  39s
projectsveltos sc-manager-cb6786669-9qzdw              2/2     Running   0  40s
projectsveltos event-manager-7b885dbd4c-tmn6m          2/2     Running   0  40s

Next Steps

Contiunue with the Sveltoctl command-line interface (CLI) definition and installation here.

  1. sveltos-agent will be deployed if there is at least one Classifier instance in the management cluster. Drift detection manager will be deployed if there is a ClusterProfile instance with SyncMode set to ContinuousWithDriftDetection

  2. If Prometheus operator is not present in your management cluster, you will see (and can ignore) following error: error: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "ServiceMonitor" in version ""