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Cluster Classification

Classifier - Automatically Manage Cluster Labels and Add-Ons

Sveltos provides users with the power to decide which add-ons should get deployed to which clusters programmatically by the use of a ClusterSelector. Sometimes the versions of the required and needed add-ons depend on the cluster's runtime state. This is where the Sveltos Classifier comes into play.

With the Classifier, Sveltos can be configured to automatically update the cluster labels based on the cluster runtime state. As the runtime state changes, the cluster labels are automatically updated. This ensures that the appropriate ClusterProfile instances match the specified clusters, leading to an automatic upgrade of the Kubernetes add-ons.

Once the Classifier is deployed in the management cluster, it is distributed to each cluster, and a Sveltos service running in each managed cluster monitors the cluster runtime state. As soon as a match is found, information is transmitted back to the management cluster, and the cluster labels are appropriately updated by Sveltos.

By combining the Classifier with the ClusterProfiles, Sveltos can monitor the runtime status of each cluster, update the cluster labels when the cluster runtime state changes, and deploy, upgrade the Kubernetes add-ons accordingly.

Classifier in action

Use Case: Upgrade Helm Charts when Kubernetes Cluster is Upgraded

Suppose you are managing several Kubernetes clusters with different versions and you want to deploy the below points:

  1. OPA Gatekeeper version 3.10.0 in any Kubernetes cluster whose version is >= v1.25.0
  2. OPA Gatekeeper version 3.9.0 in any Kubernetes cluster whose version is >= v1.24.0 && < v1.25.0

Management Cluster


kind: ClusterProfile
  name: deploy-gatekeeper-3-10
  clusterSelector: gatekeeper=v3-10
  syncMode: Continuous
  - repositoryURL:
    repositoryName: gatekeeper
    chartName: gatekeeper/gatekeeper
    chartVersion:  3.10.0
    releaseName: gatekeeper
    releaseNamespace: gatekeeper
    helmChartAction: Install
kind: ClusterProfile
  name: deploy-gatekeeper-3-9
  clusterSelector: gatekeeper=v3-9
  syncMode: Continuous
  - repositoryURL:
    repositoryName: gatekeeper
    chartName: gatekeeper/gatekeeper
    chartVersion:  3.9.0
    releaseName: gatekeeper
    releaseNamespace: gatekeeper
    helmChartAction: Install


kind: Classifier
  name: deploy-gatekeeper-3-10
  - key: gatekeeper
    value: v3-10
  - comparison: GreaterThanOrEqualTo
    version: 1.25.0
kind: Classifier
  name: deploy-gatekeeper-3-9
  - key: gatekeeper
    value: v3-9
  - comparison: GreaterThanOrEqualTo
    version: 1.24.0
  - comparison: LessThan
    version: 1.25.0

Based on the above configuration, we achieved the below.

  1. Any cluster with a Kubernetes version v1.24.x will get the label gatekeeper:v3.9 added and then the Gatekeeper v3.9.0 helm chart will be deployed;
  2. Any cluster with a Kubernetes version v1.25.x will get the label gatekeeper:v3.10 added and then the Gatekeeper v3.10.0 helm chart will be deployed;
  3. As soon as a cluster is upgraded from Kubernetes v1.24.x to v1.25.x, Gatekeeper helm chart will be automatically upgraded from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0

More Resources

To read more about the classifier configuration, with examles using the resources and the Lua script, have a look at the section.

More Examples

  1. Classify clusters based on their Kubernetes version classifier.yaml
  2. Classify clusters based on the number of namespaces classifier.yaml
  3. Classify clusters based on their Kubernetes version and resources classifier.yaml

Classifier CRD - Deep dive

Classifier CRD is the CRD used to instructs Sveltos on how to classify a cluster.

Classifier Labels

The field classifierLabels contains all the labels (key/value pair) which will be added automatically to any cluster matching a Classifier instance.

Kubernetes version constraints

The field kubernetesVersionConstraints can be used to classify a cluster based on its current Kubernetes version.

Resource constraints

The field deployedResourceConstraints can be used to classify a cluster based on current deployed resources. Resources are identified by Group/Version/Kind and can be filtered based on their namespace and labels and some fields. It supports Lua script as well.

Following classifier, matches any cluster with a Service with label sveltos:fv.

kind: Classifier
  name: sveltos-service
  - key: sveltos-service
    value: present
    - group: ""
      version: v1
      kind: Service
      - key: sveltos
        operation: Equal
        value: fv

Following classifier, matches any cluster with a ClusterIssuer using

kind: Classifier
  name: acme-staging-v02
  - key: issuer
    value: acme-staging-v02
    - group: ""
      version: v1
      kind: ClusterIssuer
      evaluate: |
        function evaluate()
          hs = {}
          hs.matching = false
          hs.message = ""
          if obj.spec.acme ~= nil then
            if string.find(obj.spec.acme.server, "", 1, true) then
              hs.matching = true
          return hs

A Classifier can also look at the resources of different kinds all together.

AggregatedClassification is optional and can be used to specify a Lua function that will be used to further detect whether the subset of the resources selected using the ResourceSelectors field are a match for this Classifier. The function will receive the array of resources selected by ResourceSelectors. If this field is not specified, a cluster is a match for Classifier instance, if all ResourceSelectors returns at least one match. This field allows to perform more complex evaluation on the resources, looking at all resources together. This can be useful for more sophisticated tasks, such as identifying resources that are related to each other or that have similar properties. The Lua function must return a struct with:

  • "matching" field: boolean indicating whether cluster is a match;
  • "message" field: (optional) message.

Classifier controller configuration

  1. concurrent-reconciles: By default Sveltos manager reconcilers runs with a parallelism set to 10. This arg can be used to change level of parallelism;
  2. worker-number: Number of workers performing long running task. By default this is set to 20. If number of Classifier instances is in the hundreds, please consider increasing this;
  3. report-mode: By default Classifier controller running in the management cluster periodically collects ClassifierReport instances from each managed cluster. Setting report-mode to "1" will change this and have each Classifier Agent send back ClassifierReport to management cluster. When setting report-mode to 1, control-plane-endpoint must be set as well. When in this mode, Sveltos automatically creates a ServiceAccount in the management cluster for Classifier Agent. Only permissions granted for this ServiceAccount are update of ClassifierReports.
  4. control-plane-endpoint: The management cluster controlplane endpoint. Format <ip>:<port>. This must be reachable frm each managed cluster.