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In this section, we will help Sveltos users identify ways to troubleshoot the Sveltos installation alongside deployed add-ons down the different clusters. In general, it is a good practice to get the Sveltos version alongside the sveltosctl version (if used) as it is helpful for the team to provide better assistance and recommendations.

Sveltos Version

$ kubectl get job register-mgmt-cluster-job -n projectsveltos -o=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}'

sveltosctl Version

$ sveltosctl version
I0428 09:05:01.496691 2181388 version.go:64] "Client Version:   v0.27.0-17-2fb25f7e7a15a3"
I0428 09:05:01.496715 2181388 version.go:65] "Git commit:       2fb25f7e7a15a3adc351e569f79ec1f80ae1ac7e" 

Common Issues

Sveltos Installation Namespace

It is a requirement for Sveltos to get installed in the projectsveltos namespace. If Sveltos is installed in a different namespace, issues with the Kubernetes resources deployment will arise.

Sveltos ClusterProfile, Profile is not applied to the cluster/s

This is a very common case scenario where the deployed Sveltos ClusterProfile, and Profile resources are not deployed to the targeted cluster/s. This might be due to an issue with the Sveltos installation, incorrect Sveltos namespace installation, incorrect cluster-label set to the cluster or something else that might be disallowing the deployment.

The Status section of a ClusterProfile or Profile instance displays all clusters that meet its criteria. These matching clusters are listed under the matchingClusters field.

Here's an example of what the Status section might look like:

  - apiVersion:
    kind: Cluster
    name: clusterapi-workload
    namespace: default
  - apiVersion:
    kind: SveltosCluster
    name: mgmt
    namespace: mgmt

To confirm if a specific cluster is considered a match for a ClusterProfile or Profile, check the matchingClusters list within the Status section of the ClusterProfile/Profile instance. If the cluster details are present in the list, then Sveltos considered it a matching cluster.

Sveltos automatically creates a ClusterSummary resource whenever a cluster aligns with a configured ClusterProfile or Profile. This summary serves as a record of the cluster's configuration and deployment status.

Imagine a SveltosCluster named mgmt residing in the mgmt namespace, with labels indicating environment (env=fv). Now, consider a ClusterProfile named deploy-kyverno that has a clusterSelector targeting clusters with the label env=fv. If these conditions are met, Sveltos will generate a ClusterSummary within the mgmt namespace. This ClusterSummary will resemble the following:

kind: ClusterSummary
  name: deploy-kyverno-sveltos-mgmt
  namespace: mgmt
  clusterName: mgmt
  clusterNamespace: mgmt
  clusterType: Sveltos
        env: fv
    - chartName: kyverno/kyverno
      chartVersion: v3.1.4
      helmChartAction: Install
      releaseName: kyverno-latest
      releaseNamespace: kyverno
      repositoryName: kyverno
  dependencies: no dependencies
  - featureID: Helm
    hash: ujsdjTgHzPfqEx3bHtAIFcs3kjSvcuTkRCXc3o7AqrY=
    lastAppliedTime: "2024-05-10T14:25:58Z"
    status: Provisioned

The Status section of a ClusterSummary is crucial. It reflects whether the configured add-ons or applications are successfully deployed (Provisioned). If any issues arise during deployment, a FailureMessage field will appear, providing details about the encountered error.

Check the Overall Sveltos Installation (Management Cluster)

$ kubectl get pods -n projectsveltos

All the pods need to be in a Running state. If a pod is in a different state, perform the below commands to get a better understanding. The Events section or the logs provided by the pod will be sufficient to get an understanding of what might be failing.

$ kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n projectsveltos

$ kubectl logs <pod-name> -n projectsveltos -f

Fixing ‘Cannot Re-Use a Name That Is Still In Use’

Do you encounter the error "cannot re-use a name that is still in use" while deploying Helm charts with Sveltos? Don't worry, this is a common issue with a straightforward solution.

The error typically arises when a secret related to a previous Helm chart deployment still lingers in the target namespace of the managed cluster. These lingering secrets can cause naming conflicts when deploying new charts.

Pointing to the managed cluster, run the below command to list all secrets in the desired namespace, filtering for those associated with Helm.

$ kubectl -n <your namespace> get secrets | grep helm

If the command reveals any secrets with a status of "pending-install", proceed and delete them.

By removing the lingering secrets, we eliminate potential naming conflicts and pave the way for smooth Helm chart deployments.

Check Sveltos Registered Clusters

$ kubectl get sveltosclusters -A

Ensure the Sveltos clusters are in a READY=true state. If Sveltos is unable to communicate with a cluster, we will see spot it directly from the output above.

Healthy Cluster State

$ kubectl get sveltoscluster -A
projectsveltos   vcluster-dev    true    v1.29.0+k3s1
projectsveltos   vcluster-prod   true    v1.29.0+k3s1
mgmt             mgmt            true    v1.28.7+k3s1

Unhealthy Cluster State

$ kubectl get sveltoscluster -A
projectsveltos   vcluster-dev
mgmt             mgmt            true    v1.28.7+k3s1

In the output above, we can spot that the vcluster-dev cluster in the projectsveltos namespace is not in a READY state. That could mean network issues disallowing communication with the cluster or something is wrong with the cluster itself.

How to work with an Unhealthy Cluster?

Step 1: Ensure the correct kubeconfig provided

This would mean that during the registration of the cluster, the provided kubeconfig is sufficient to authenticate with the clusters.

On a new terminal, perform the below.

$ export KUBECONFIG=<directory of the provided cluster kubeconfig>
$ kubectl get nodes
$ kubectl get pods -A

If you are not able to reach the cluster via the specified kubeconfig file, it could be an invalid kubeconfig. Doublecheck the file generated and ensure is the correct one.

Step 2: Network Connectivity

If Step 1 is fine and we can access the cluster resources with the kubeconfig, continue the investigation with the network and firewall setup in the environment. Ensure nothing is blocking the traffic from the management cluster to the managed cluster.


In specific Operating Systems (Suse Enterprise Linux), the security hardening disallowed the sveltosctl to validate and register the cluster due to the certificate issue. In this case, we have to import the cluster certificate to the trusted store.

Check Labels set to Registered Clusters

$ kubectl get sveltosclusters -A --show-labels
Ensure the labels set to the Sveltos clusters do match the labels defined in the Sveltos ClusterProfile, Profile.

If the cluster labels are incorrect, we can overwrite them with the below command.

$ kubectl label sveltoscluster <cluster-name> -n <cluster namespace> env=dev --overwrite
- env=dev is the new label set to the cluster


$ sveltosctl show addons

We assume the output above is empty. This implies that Sveltos was not able to deploy an add-on to a cluster or a set of clusters. Continue with the clusterprofiles and clustersummary resource investigation.

$ kubectl get clustersummary,clusterprofile -A

Even if the Kubernetes add-ons are not deployed, both resources will be available to the management cluster.

$ kubectl get clusterprofile <clusterprofile name> -n <clusterprofile namespace> -o jsonpath='{.status}'
$ kubectl get clustersummary <clustersummary name> -n <clustersummary namespace> -o jsonpath='{.status}'

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