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ClusterProfile Resource Deployment Order

Introduction to Deployment Resource Order

When Kubernetes resources are deployed in a cluster, it is sometimes necessary to deploy them in a specific order. For example, a CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) must exist before a custom resources of that type can be created.

Sveltos can assist solving this problem by allowing users to specify the order in which Kubernetes resources are deployed.

ClusterProfile Order

  1. ClusterProfile helmCharts field: The helmCharts field allows users to specify a list of Helm charts that need to get deployed. Sveltos will deploy the Helm charts in the order they appear in the list (top-down approach).
  2. ClusterProfile policyRefs field: The policyRefs field allows you to reference a list of ConfigMap and Secret resources whose contents need to get deployed. Sveltos will deploy the resources in the order they appear (top-down approach).
  3. ClusterProfile kustomizationRefs field: The kustomizationRefs field allows you to reference a list of sources containing kustomization files. Sveltos will deploy the resources in the order they appear in the list (top-down approach)

Example: Prometheus and Grafana definition

  • The below ClusterProfile definition will first deploy the Prometheus Helm chart and then the Grafana Helm chart.
kind: ClusterProfile
  name: prometheus-grafana
  clusterSelector: env=fv
  syncMode: Continuous
  - repositoryURL:
    repositoryName:   prometheus-community
    chartName:        prometheus-community/prometheus
    chartVersion:     23.4.0
    releaseName:      prometheus
    releaseNamespace: prometheus
    helmChartAction:  Install
  - repositoryURL:
    repositoryName:   grafana
    chartName:        grafana/grafana
    chartVersion:     6.58.9
    releaseName:      grafana
    releaseNamespace: grafana
    helmChartAction:  Install

Sveltos Helm Chart Order

Example: PostgreSQL Resource Deployment

  • The below ClusterProfile will first deploy the ConfigMap resource named postgresql-deployment and then the ConfigMap resource named postgresql-service.
kind: ClusterProfile
  name: postgresql
  clusterSelector: env=fv
  - name: postgresql-deployment
    namespace: default
    kind: ConfigMap
  - name: postgresql-service
    namespace: default
    kind: ConfigMap