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Introduction to Templates

Introduction to Templates

Sveltos lets you define add-ons and applications using templates. Before deploying any resource down the managed clusters, Sveltos instantiates the templates using information gathered from the management cluster. Lua can also be used.

Sveltos Templates

In this example, Sveltos retrieves the Secret imported-secret from the default namespace. This Secret is assigned the alias ExternalSecret. The template can subsequently refer to this Secret by employing the alias ExternalSecret. It can also be used with Helm Charts.

Template Functions

Sveltos supports the template functions included from the Sprig open source project. The Sprig library provides over 70 template functions for Go’s template language. Some of the functions are listed below. For the full list, have a look at the Spring Github page.

  1. String Functions: trim, wrap, randAlpha, plural, etc.
  2. String List Functions: splitList, sortAlpha, etc.
  3. Integer Math Functions: add, max, mul, etc.
  4. Integer Slice Functions: until, untilStep
  5. Float Math Functions: addf, maxf, mulf, etc.
  6. Date Functions: now, date, etc.
  7. Defaults Functions: default, empty, coalesce, fromJson, toJson, toPrettyJson, toRawJson, ternary
  8. Encoding Functions: b64enc, b64dec, etc.
  9. Lists and List Functions: list, first, uniq, etc.
  10. Dictionaries and Dict Functions: get, set, dict, hasKey, pluck, dig, deepCopy, etc.
  11. Type Conversion Functions: atoi, int64, toString, etc.
  12. Path and Filepath Functions: base, dir, ext, clean, isAbs, osBase, osDir, osExt, osClean, osIsAbs
  13. Flow Control Functions: fail

Resource Manipulation Functions

Sveltos provides a set of functions specifically designed for manipulating resources within your templates.

  1. getResource: Takes the identifier of a resource and returns a map[string]interface{} allowing to access any field of the resource.
  2. copy: Takes the identifier of a resource and returns a copy of that resource.
  3. setField: Takes the identifier of a resource, the field name, and a new value. Returns a modified copy of the resource with the specified field updated.
  4. removeField: Takes the identifier of a resource and the field name. Returns a modified copy of the resource with the specified field removed.
  5. getField: Takes the identifier of a resource and the field name. Returns the field value
  6. chainSetField: This function acts as an extension of setField. It allows for chaining multiple field updates.
  7. chainRemoveField: Similar to chainSetField, this function allows for chaining multiple field removals.


These functions operate on copies of the original resource, ensuring the original data remains untouched.

For practical examples, take a look at this section.

Consider combining those methods with post render patches.

Extra Template Functions

  1. toToml: It takes an interface, marshals it to toml, and returns a string. It will always return a string, even on marshal error (empty string)
  2. toYaml: It takes an interface, marshals it to yaml, and returns a string. It will always return a string, even on marshal error (empty string)
  3. toJson: It takes an interface, marshals it to json, and returns a string. It will always return a string, even on marshal error (empty string)
  4. fromToml: It converts a TOML document into a map[string]interface{}
  5. fromYaml: It converts a YAML document into a map[string]interface{}
  6. fromYamlArray: It converts a YAML array into a []interface{}
  7. fromJson: It converts a YAML document into a map[string]interface{}
  8. fromJsonArray: It converts a JSON array into a []interface{}


By default, the templates have access to the below managment cluster resources.

  1. CAPI Cluster instance. The identifier is Cluster
  2. CAPI Cluster infrastructure provider. The identifier is InfrastructureProvider
  3. CAPI Cluster kubeadm provider. The identifier is KubeadmControlPlane
  4. For cluster registered with Sveltos, the SveltosCluster instance. The identifier is Cluster

Sveltos can fetch any resource from the management cluster. We just need to include the templateResourceRefs in the ClusterProfile/Profile Spec section.


Sveltos adheres to the least privilege principle concept. That means Sveltos does not have all the necessary permissions to fetch resources from the management cluster by default. Therefore, when using templateResourceRefs, we need to provide Sveltos with the correct RBAC definition.

Providing the necessary RBACs to Sveltos is a straightforward process. The Sveltos ServiceAccount is tied to the addon-controller-role-extra ClusterRole. To grant Sveltos the necessary permissions, simply edit the role.

If the ClusterProfile is created by a tenant administrator as part of a multi-tenant setup, Sveltos will act on behalf of (impersonate) the ServiceAccount that represents the tenant. This ensures that Kubernetes RBACs are enforced, which restricts the tenant's access to only authorized resources.

templateResourceRefs: Namespace and Name

When using templateResourceRefs to find resources in the management cluster, the namespace field is optional.

  1. If you provide a namespace (like default), Sveltos will look for the resource in that specific namespace.
  2. Leaving the namespace field blank tells Sveltos to search for the resource in the same namespace as the cluster during deployment.

The name field in templateResourceRefs can also be a template. This allows users to dynamically generate names based on information available during deployment.

Available cluster information :

  • cluster namespace: use .Cluster.metadata.namespace
  • cluster name:
  • cluster type: .Cluster.kind

For example, the below template will create a name by combining the cluster's namespace and name:

name: "{{ .Cluster.metadata.namespace }}-{{ }}"

Embedding Go Templates in Sveltos

When incorporating Go template logic into Sveltos templates, utilize the escape syntax.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: meilisearch-proxy-secrets
  namespace: default
  annotations: "true"
  secrets.yaml: |
    {{ $cluster := }}
    {{- range $env := (list "production" "staging") }}
    kind: ExternalSecret
      name: meilisearch-proxy
      namespace: {{ $env }}
      refreshInterval: 1h
        kind: ClusterSecretStore
        name: vault-backend
        name: meilisearch-proxy
          engineVersion: v2
            MEILISEARCH_HOST: https://meilisearch.{{ $cluster }}
            MEILISEARCH_MASTER_KEY: '{{`{{ .master_key }}`}}'
            PROXY_MASTER_KEY_OVERRIDE: "false"
            CACHE_ENGINE: "redis"
            CACHE_TTL: "300"
            CACHE_URL: "redis://meilisearch-proxy-redis:6379"
            PORT: "80"
            LOG_LEVEL: "info"
        - secretKey: 'master_key'
            key: 'search'
            property: '{{ $env }}.master_key'
    {{- end }}

Continue Reading

  1. Helm Chart and Resources as Templates - Examples: Checkout the template examples here
  2. Helm Charts: See the "Example: Express Helm Values as Templates" section in here
  3. YAML & JSON: refer to the "Example Template with Git Repository/Bucket Content" section in here
  4. Kustomize: Substitution and templating are explained here