Example ClusterProfile
A ClusterProfile can have a combination of Helm charts, raw YAML/JSON, and Kustomize configurations.
Consider a scenario where you want to utilize Kyverno to prevent the deployment of images with the 'latest' tag1. To achieve this, you can create a ClusterProfile that:
- Deploys the Kyverno Helm chart
- Deploys a Kyverno policy that enforces image validation, ensuring the image specifies a tag other than 'latest'
Download the Kyverno policy and create a ConfigMap containing the policy within the management cluster.
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyverno/policies/main/best-practices/disallow-latest-tag/disallow-latest-tag.yaml
$ kubectl create configmap disallow-latest-tag --from-file disallow-latest-tag.yaml
To deploy Kyverno and a ClusterPolicy across all managed clusters matching the Sveltos label selector env=fv, utilize the below ClusterProfile."
Example - ClusterProfile Kyverno Deployment
apiVersion: config.projectsveltos.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterProfile
name: kyverno
env: fv
- chartName: kyverno/kyverno
chartVersion: v3.3.3
helmChartAction: Install
releaseName: kyverno-latest
releaseNamespace: kyverno
repositoryName: kyverno
repositoryURL: https://kyverno.github.io/kyverno/
- kind: ConfigMap
name: disallow-latest-tag
namespace: default
The ':latest' tag is mutable and can lead to unexpected errors if the image changes. A best practice is to use an immutable tag that maps to a specific version of an application Pod. ↩