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Hybrid Multicloud

What is Sveltos?

Sveltos is a set of Kubernetes controllers that run in a management cluster and manage add-ons and applications on a fleet of clusters.

Sveltos automatically supports the discovery of ClusterAPI-powered clusters, but it does not stop there. Registration of any other cluster (on-prem, Cloud) is possible and seamless.

Sveltos managing clusters

Platform Administrators - Hybrid Multicloud Environments

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving IT landscape, where hybrid and multicloud concepts are becoming the norm, automating the creation of Kubernetes clusters while managing their lifecycle programmatically is essential for Kubernetes platform administrators.

Sveltos offers a simple, unified interface to easily review existing configurations and perform necessary adjustments seamlessly. It helps break down organisation silos by allowing different administrators to collaborate on defining the required cluster types (test, staging, production). Each administrator can independently configure policies for their designated cluster type, ensuring global compliance and consistency across environments. This leads to optimised operations and supports overall organisational success!

Benefits of a Central Management Cluster

  • Centralised Management: Manage multiple clusters from one place, ensuring consistency and reducing configuration errors.

  • Consistency: Automate processes for uniform configurations and deployments, boosting reliability.

  • Scalability: Easily scale infrastructure by simplifying the creation and management of clusters.

  • Cost Optimisation: Centralised control maximizes resource use and lowers operational costs.

  • Better Security: Security-related add-ons, such as network policies and secrets management, for secure cluster deployment.

  • Increased Automation: Integrate with CI/CD pipelines to automate deployments and reduce management effort.

Sveltos add-on Management Solution

Sveltos allows platform administrators to utilise the ClusterProfile Custom Resource Defintion to perform Kubernetes add-on deployments. Within a Sveltos ClusterProfile, we define the below points.

  1. What Kubernetes add-ons to get deployed (Helm charts, Kustomize, YAML/JSON manifests)?
  2. Where should they get deployed?
  3. List the add-ons deployed

Example - ClusterProfile

kind: ClusterProfile
  name: deploy-kyverno
      env: prod
  syncMode: Continuous
  - repositoryURL:
    repositoryName:   kyverno
    chartName:        kyverno/kyverno
    chartVersion:     v3.3.3
    releaseName:      kyverno-latest
    releaseNamespace: kyverno
    helmChartAction:  Install
  - name: disallow-latest-tag # (1)
    namespace: default
    kind: ConfigMap
  1. Reference a ConfigMap that contains a Kyverno ClusterPolicy

More Resources

For more information about the Sveltos add-on deployment capabilities, have a look here.