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GitOps Integration

Sveltos and GitOps

Flux is a CNCF graduate project that offers users a set of continuous and progressive delivery solutions for Kubernetes which are open and extensible.

By integrating Flux with Sveltos, we can automate the synchronisation of any desired Kubernetes add-ons, removing any manual steps and ensuring consistent deployment across different clusters.

Flux and Sveltos Integration

What are the benefits?

  1. Centralised Configuration: Store YAML/JSON manifests in a central Git repository or Bucket.
  2. Continuous Synchronisation: Flux in the management cluster ensures continuous synchronisation of configurations.
  3. Consistent Deployments: Use Sveltos ClusterProfiles, Profiles to reliably deploy Kubernetes add-ons in matching clusters.

How it works?

Store all required Kubernetes resources in a Git repository and let Flux handle continuous synchronisation. Below, we show how to use Flux and Sveltos to deploy a HelloWorld application across multiple managed clusters.

👉 Explore the Example Repository

Step 1: Configure Flux in the Management Cluster

Install and run Flux in the management cluster. Configure it to synchronise the Git repository which contains the HelloWorld manifests. Use a GitRepository resource similar to the below YAML definitions. More information about the Flux installation can be found here.

kind: GitRepository
  name: flux-system
  namespace: flux-system
  annotations: "true" # (1)
  interval: 1m0s # (2)
    branch: main
    name: flux-system
  timeout: 60s
  url: # (3)
  1. Enable Sveltos templating functionality. More information have a look here.
  2. How often to sync with the reposiroty
  3. Reflects the repository we want to use

The above definition will look for updates of the main branch of the specified repository every minute.


If you use the Flux CLI to bootstrap a Git repo, the GitRepository Kubernetes resource will be created from Flux automatically.

Step 2: Create a Sveltos ClusterProfile

Define a Sveltos ClusterProfile referencing to the flux-system GitRepository resource and define the HelloWorld directory as the deployment source. In the below YAML definition, an application will get deployed on the managed cluster with the label selector set to env=fv.

cat > cluster_profile_flux.yaml <<EOF
kind: ClusterProfile
  name: deploy-helloworld-resources
      env: fv
  - kind: GitRepository
    name: flux-system
    namespace: flux-system
    path: ./helloWorld/
    targetNamespace: eng

Whenever there is a change in the Git repository, Sveltos will leverage the Kustomize SDK to retrieve a list of resources to deploy to any cluster matching the label selector env=fv in the eng namespace.


The GitRepository or Bucket content can also be a template. Sveltos will take the content of the files and instantiate them by the use of the data resources in the management cluster. For the templates deployment, we will have to ensure the GitRepository Kubernetes resource includes the "true" annotation.

More Resources

For more information about the Sveltos and Flux integration, have a look here.