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Dry Run

What is the DryRun mode in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, the "dry run" functionality allows users to simulate the execution of the commands they want to apply.

Sveltos DryRun - Explained

Sveltos takes it one step further. Imagine we are about to perform important changes to a ClusterProfile, but we are unsure what the results will be. The risk of uncertainty is big and we do not want to cause any unwanted side effects to the Production environment. That's where the DryRun syncMode configuration comes in!

By deploying a ClusterProfile with the syncMode set to DryRun, we can launch a simulation of all the operations that would normally be executed in a live run. The best part? No actual changes will be performed to the matching clusters during this dry run workflow.

Configuraton Example

kind: ClusterProfile
  name: deploy-kyverno
  syncMode: DryRun

Once the dry run workflow is complete, you'll receive a detailed list of all the potential changes that would have been made to the matching cluster. This allows us to carefully inspect and validate the changes before deploying the new ClusterProfile configuration.

If you are interested in viewing the change list, you can check out the generated Custom Resource Definition (CRD) with the name ClusterReport.

Below is a snippet from the sveltosctl utility.

$ sveltosctl show dryrun

|               CLUSTER               |      RESOURCE TYPE       | NAMESPACE |      NAME      |  ACTION   |            MESSAGE             | CLUSTER PROFILE  |
| default/sveltos-management-workload | helm release             | kyverno   | kyverno-latest | Install   |                                | dryrun           |
| default/sveltos-management-workload | helm release             | nginx     | nginx-latest   | Install   |                                | dryrun           |
| default/sveltos-management-workload | :Pod                     | default   | nginx          | No Action | Object already deployed.       | dryrun           |
|                                     |                          |           |                |           | And policy referenced by       |                  |
|                                     |                          |           |                |           | ClusterProfile has not changed |                  |
|                                     |                          |           |                |           | since last deployment.         |                  |
| default/sveltos-management-workload | |           | no-gateway     | Create    |                                | dryrun           |

To view detailed line-by-line changes for each resource, use the --raw-diff option with the sveltosctl show dryrun command.

$ sveltosctl show dryrun --raw-diff   
Cluster: default/clusterapi-workload
--- deployed: ClusterPolicy disallow-latest-tag
+++ proposed: ClusterPolicy disallow-latest-tag
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
               name: validate-image-tag
               skipBackgroundRequests: true
-                message: Using a mutable image tag e.g. 'latest' is not allowed.
+                message: Using a mutable image tag e.g. 'latest' is not allowed in this cluster.
                             - image: '!*:latest'
-        validationFailureAction: audit
+        validationFailureAction: Enforce
     status: ""

Cluster: default/clusterapi-workload
--- deployed: Deployment nginx-deployment
+++ proposed: Deployment nginx-deployment
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
         uid: 9ba8bbc1-02fa-4cbb-9073-fe657482277d
         progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
-        replicas: 3
+        replicas: 1
         revisionHistoryLimit: 10

Sveltos can also detect changes to deployed Helm charts:

sveltosctl show dryrun           
|           CLUSTER           | RESOURCE TYPE | NAMESPACE  |      NAME      |    ACTION     |            MESSAGE             |              PROFILE              |
| default/clusterapi-workload | helm release  | kyverno    | kyverno-latest | Update Values | use --raw-diff to see full     | ClusterProfile/deploy-kyverno     |
|                             |               |            |                |               | diff for helm values           |                                   |
| default/clusterapi-workload | helm release  | prometheus | prometheus     | Upgrade       | Current version: "23.4.0".     | ClusterProfile/prometheus-grafana |
|                             |               |            |                |               | Would move to version:         |                                   |
|                             |               |            |                |               | "26.0.0"                       |                                   |
| default/clusterapi-workload | helm release  | grafana    | grafana        | Upgrade       | Current version: "6.58.9".     | ClusterProfile/prometheus-grafana |
|                             |               |            |                |               | Would move to version: "8.6.4" |                                   |
sveltosctl show dryrun --raw-diff
Profile: ClusterProfile:deploy-kyverno Cluster: default/clusterapi-workload
--- deployed values
+++ proposed values
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     replicas: 3
-    replicas: 1
+    replicas: 3
-    replicas: 1
+    replicas: 3

More Resources

For a quick demonstration of the dry run mode, watch the Sveltos, introduction to DryRun mode video on YouTube.