Air-Gapped Installation
What is Sveltos?
Sveltos is a set of Kubernetes controllers deployed in the management cluster. From the management cluster, it can manage add-ons and applications to multiple clusters.
Air-Gapped Installation
This documentation assumes that Sveltos is installed using Helm
Sveltos can be installed in an air-gapped environment. An air-gapped environment is a highly secure environment completely cut off from the Internet and any other external networks. That implies, getting the required Sveltos images from the Docker Hub
is not possible. This method can also be useful if the cluster runs in an environment where access to certain image registries is restricted and a custom registry or registry cache needs to be used (e.g. in large enterprises).
When installing Sveltos using the official Helm chart
, the drift-detection-manager and the sveltos-agent will be deployed in each managed cluster or on the management cluster when agent.managementCluster=true
is set. However, in restricted environments, additional values are required for the installation. The drift-detection-manager and the sveltos-agent deployments will be dynamically deployed instead of from the Sveltos installation directly. This means that the patches to these deployments are done during runtime instead of upfront.
There are two types of patches that can be applied:
Patches of both types can be persisted in a ConfigMap
and passed to the components that will deploy the drift-detection-manager and the sveltos-agent respectively.
The Helm
chart offers a way to only specify the patches and the ConfigMaps
will be created automatically so that they will be applied to the deployments before applying the drift-detection-manager and sveltos-agent.
drift-detection-manager Configuration
To customize the drift-detection-manager deployment you can add your patches to the Helm
values like here:
patch: |-
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: drift-detection-manager
- name: my-registry-secret
- name: manager
This example makes use of the Strategic Merge Patch
. The key of the data
in the ConfigMap
(here patch
) is arbitrary and can be changed to any other value.
The drift-detection-manager image is located here.
sveltos-agent Configuration
The sveltos-agent can be patched in the same way. In order to edit the deployment the following values can be used:
image-patch: |-
- op: replace
path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/image
- op: add
path: /spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets
- name: my-registry-secret
This example makes use of JSON Patch (RFC 6902)
to change deployment values. It's not limited to only one item in data
The sveltos-agent image is located here.
The sveltos-agent will be deployed in the management cluster with the bellow settings.
- Custom image from private registry:
- Private registry credentials: my-registry-secret (the secret must be present in the projectsveltos namespace)1
Replace the image:
argument with your private registry details.
To create the my-registry-secret
Secret, provide your credentials directly using the command: kubectl create secret docker-registry my-registry-secret -n projectsveltos --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>
Helm Installation
On the Kubernetes management cluster, install ProjectSveltos!
$ helm repo add projectsveltos <private-repo-url>
$ helm repo update
$ helm install projectsveltos projectsveltos/projectsveltos -n projectsveltos --create-namespace -f custom_values.yaml
$ helm list -n projectsveltos
The custom_values.yaml
file holds all the changes performed on the Helm chart above.
Next Steps
Continue with the sveltoctl command-line interface (CLI) definition and installation here.
A Sveltos ClusterProfile can deploy your Secret to managed clusters. Assuming the Secret is named image-pull-secret and resides in the default namespace, it will be deployed to all clusters labeled environment: air-gapped
↩apiVersion: kind: ClusterProfile metadata: name: deploy-resources spec: clusterSelector: matchLabels: environment: air-gapped templateResourceRefs: - resource: apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret name: image-pull-secret namespace: default identifier: ImagePullSecret policyRefs: - kind: ConfigMap name: info namespace: default --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: info namespace: default annotations: "true" # add annotation to indicate Sveltos content is a template data: secret.yaml: | {{ copy "ImagePullSecret" }}