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Implementing Multi-Tenancy with Database-as-a-Service - Project Sveltos

In this scenario, a managed cluster is shared among different tenants. Each tenant is assigned a namespace. By simply labeling a namespace with postgres=required, Sveltos will automatically deploy a dedicated PostgreSQL database within the services managed cluster. This database will then be made accessible to the requesting tenants.

Sveltos: Deploy Cloudnative-pg

Lab Setup

A Civo cluster serves as the management cluster. Another Civo cluster, labeled type=services, is dedicated to automatic Postgres DB deployment by Sveltos.

Postgres DB will be deployed using Cloudnative-pg.

Step 1: Install Sveltos on Management Cluster

For this tutorial, we will install Sveltos in the management cluster. Sveltos installation details can be found here.

helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.16.1 --set crds.enabled=true
helm install projectsveltos projectsveltos/projectsveltos -n projectsveltos --create-namespace

Add the label type=mgmt to the management cluster:

kubectl label sveltoscluster -n mgmt mgmt type=mgmt

Granting Extra RBAC

For this demo, Sveltos needs to be granted extra permission:

kubectl patch clusterrole addon-controller-role-extra -p '{
  "rules": [
      "apiGroups": [
      "resources": [ 
      "verbs": [

Step 2: Register Clusters with Sveltos

Using Civo UI, download the Kubeconfigs, then:

kubectl create ns managed-services
sveltosctl register cluster --namespace=managed-services --cluster=services --kubeconfig=<managed cluster kubeconfig> --labels=type=services

Verify clusters were successfully registered:

kubectl get sveltoscluster -A --show-labels
mgmt               mgmt      true    v1.29.2+k3s1,sveltos-agent=present,type=mgmt
managed-services   services  true    v1.29.8+k3s1,sveltos-agent=present,type=services

Step 3: Deploy cloudnative-pg

Following ClusterProfile will deploy Cloudnative-pg in the managed cluster with label type=services

kubectl apply -f

Verify resources were deployed

sveltosctl show addons        
|         CLUSTER          | RESOURCE TYPE |  NAMESPACE  | NAME | VERSION |              TIME              |          PROFILES          |
| managed-services/services| helm chart    | cnpg-system | cnpg | 0.22.1  | 2024-10-25 15:47:54 +0200 CEST | ClusterProfile/deploy-cnpg |

Sveltos: Deploy Cloudnative-pg

Step 4: Instruct Sveltos to automatically deploy Postgres DB

With the following configuration, Sveltos will actively monitor any managed cluster tagged with the label type=app. Specifically, it will look for namespaces within these clusters that are labeled with postgres=required. Upon identifying such a namespace, Sveltos will:

  1. Create a Postgres Cluster instance in the managed cluster with label type:services. DB will be exposed via a LoadBalancer service.
  2. Fetch credentials to access the DB.
  3. fetch the LoadBalancer service external ip: port
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Step 5: Onboard a new managed cluster

Here we created a new Civo cluster and registered with Sveltos. This cluster will be shared by different tenants.

kubectl create ns apps
sveltosctl register cluster --namespace=apps --cluster=shared --kubeconfig=<managed cluster kubeconfig> --labels=type=app

Whenever a new namespace in created in this cluster and assigned the postgres=required label, Sveltos will initiate the following actions:

  1. Deploy a new Postgres database: Sveltos will deploy a new Postgres database instance to the type=services cluster.
  2. Gather connection information: Once the deployment is complete, Sveltos will collect crucial connection details for the newly created Postgres instance, including its credentials, external IP address, and port number.

To request a new database, simply create a namespace in your shared cluster and apply the postgres=required label to it.

KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig of your shared cluster> kubectl create namespace coke
KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig of your shared cluster> kubectl label namespace coke postgres=required

Verify Sveltos deployed the Postgres Cluster and fetched the info necessary to connect:

kubectl get secret -n apps
NAME                         TYPE     DATA   AGE
coke-app-credentials          Opaque   2      0s

The Secret Data section contains:

  user: dG9kbw==
kubectl get configmap -n apps                         
NAME                        DATA   AGE
coke-lb-data   2      58s

The ConfigMap Data section contains:

  port: "5432"

Step 6: Deploy an application that access the Postgres DB

Sveltos can now be used to deploy a Job in the coke namespace. This Job will access the Postgres DB in the services cluster.

kubectl apply -f
watch KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig of your shared cluster> kubectl get jobs -A 
NAMESPACE   NAME                          COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
coke        coke-app-credentials-table    1/1           14s        2m10s

Step 7: Add another namespace

Here we created yet another namespace in the shared_cluster and label it with postgres=required. As result:

  1. Sveltos deployed a new Postgres DB in the services cluster;
  2. Fetched the credentials and external-ip:port info to access the cluster;
  3. Deployed a Job in the pepsi cluster that creates a table in the DB.
watch KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig of your shared cluster> kubectl get jobs -A 
NAMESPACE   NAME                          COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
coke        coke-app-credentials-table    1/1           14s        5m10s
pepsi       pepsi-app-credentials-table   1/1           87s        113s


This might take 30 seconds or so, till Cloudnative-pg Cluster comes up and a LoadBalancer IP is assigned.

  1. KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig of your shared cluster> kubectl create namespace pepsi 
    KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig of your shared cluster> kubectl label namespace pepsi postgres=required